
Showing posts with the label number four

Four Is the Door to God's House

  When we discussed the numbers 1, 2, and 3, we finished up each one with a brief discussion of the Hebrew letters used to express these numbers. This time, letā€™s start there instead, because it helps lay the foundation for whatā€™s to come. In Hebrew, you remember, each numeral is expressed by letters of the alphabet. The numeral 4 corresponds to the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, dalet ד. In the ancient Hebrew pictograph writing, though, dalet was a picture of a door or tent flap: . The word dalet itself likewise means ā€œdoor.ā€ As an aside, you may notice that the dalet pictograph resembles our English letter D. In fact, the English alphabet traces its roots from Latin back to Greek, from Greek to paleo-Hebrew, and from paleo-Hebrew to the early Hebrew pictographs. But thatā€™s a topic for another day. Returning to the main topic now, we see that the number 4 bears association to a door or the entrance to a dwelling. As weā€™ll see momentarily, it even pertains to the dwelling it...