
Showing posts with the label good

A Wounded Heart

We live in a rough world, a world bent on our destruction and the destruction of our hearts. In our daily lives, we walk through the valley of the shadow of death constantly because any moment might be our last. Iā€™m not trying to be dramatic; thatā€™s simply the truth. Very few deaths are expected, and most happen completely out of the blue, so not only might every moment be our last moment, but it might also be someone we loveā€™s last moment. There are a lot of things that could be said about that, but the main lesson to draw is that we need to make every moment we have with those we love count because we might not get another one. Someday we will have seen someone for the last time on this earth and not even realize it. Thatā€™s a bit of a sobering thought when you recognize that our time with those we love is temporary. Losing someone can be one of the greatest emotional struggles we will face in our lives and the pain is one of the deepest and longest-lasting pains in this world. It...

Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People?

This is a question that has been asked by many people, usually someone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one, or someone seeking an excuse to reject God and His ways, or perhaps someone who doesnā€™t understand the reason for the hardships and trials in this life.  I have been there. Allow me to share what I have found. Before we can delve into this question, we first have to ask some more of lifeā€™s greatest questions: why are we here, why do we exist, and where are we going? If you believe that in the beginning nothing exploded, and reverse entropy has been the law of the land for billions of years, thus bringing you to this exact point in time as an intelligent being, then you are well on your way to being introduced to the cause for this reverse entropy.  If you believe that we exist in this dimension as the result of intelligent design by The Creator, and that we humans are in training to learn proper conduct and morality so that we can be trusted to be given immort...