The Battle For Our Children’s Minds

Not so long ago I was doing a chair massage event at an elementary school, and in between massages, I had some time to watch the kids out playing at recess. If you have never watched a bunch of kids under eleven playing together, it’s very entertaining. They are so cute, boys being boys and girls being girls, running around laughing and screaming. They are still so innocent, seemingly untouched by Satan’s world. It’s so beautiful and natural! This is their most impressionable age. They will never be this impressionable again, so good at mimicking what they see and hear around them. They are prime targets for the evil ones. Believe it or not, as baptized adults we are not the easiest targets for Satan. We have the holy spirit in us, and we know our Bible. Our brains have lost most of their elasticity, and we aren’t so impressionable. We certainly can be deceived 1 , but we have a shield around our minds composed of the Holy Spirit. We aren’t so innocent, and we know how to fight ba...