
Showing posts with the label Femininity

The First Feminist

  We live in a world driven by pride, greed, and envy. A world focused on self and advancing oneself. ā€œYou need more!ā€ society exclaims. More money, more power, more toys, more fameā€¦ whatever someone else might have that you donā€™t. Power, wealth, and fame are status symbols in this society. The more of them you have, the more important you are. If you have these things, other people will look up to you and think youā€™re someone special. But this isnā€™t the view of Almighty God! In the eyes of our Creator, oneā€™s wealth, power, and social status have no bearing on his or her value. All are equal under Godā€™s law, from the President of the United States to the homeless woman sleeping on the park bench. No oneā€™s social status will matter when standing before the judgment seat of God. True Value Speaking through Moses, God commanded the Israelite judges, ā€œYou shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid in any man's presence,...

Destroying the Beautiful: Feminism and Communism

Prologue Me: Do you think this post will help people understand the issues with feminism and how it ties in with Satan worship and communism?  B: It depends on who's reading it. Feminists either won't read it, or will say you don't understand true feminism, or will claim those quotes don't represent most feminists, or will make some other excuse, as usual. People who already disagree with feminism should find value in it. That's my opinion, anyway. I think it's pretty clear how feminism ties in with communism and Satanism, though. Especially when you have their own quotes. Me: I guess I'm hoping that, like with any cult, a lot of them didn't do any study for themselves and just heard something that sounded good and followed it without knowing the truth about it. They are my target.  B: Well, you never know. It's God who opens people's eyes, not us. All we can do is speak the Truth . Where It Begins How does one begin to write about the history of...