Paul's Conversion Controversy

A topic recently came up that bore more looking into, so I thought I’d take some time to look into it. The controversy is over the accounts of Paul’s conversion because they seem to be different in the different places they are used. Here are the three accounts, and as you read through them, you can start to notice the differences that exist. I’ll go through all three here in a minute, but I want to explain a little bit about why it is so important to rectify this controversy. If Paul wasn’t even faithful in his words, how can we trust anything he wrote? Well, as we’ll see, there are at least two explanations of what is going on here. I’d also like to draw your attention to the fact that Luke is the one who recorded all three instances, and being a doctor, it would be pretty odd for him to knowingly introduce errors like this into the record. The Controversy Acts 9:7 CSB The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the sound but seeing no one. Acts 22:9 CSB ...